Presentations and Training

You just can’t do it all yourself (and that can be a good thing).

You can’t be expected to be an expert at everything.

No matter your organization’s size or industry, culture creation can be a challenge when you’re busy working and you need the support of subject matter experts.

Sometimes you’re too close to the problem to see it, or sometimes you are the problem. This can be a particular problem in organizations that have been around a long time. Stagnation, tradition, and the “we’ve always done it that way” mentality leave large blind spots that can be destructive.

It’s hard to keep up with all that’s going on in the world and even harder to provide everything for your staff yourself. The standards you set for your staff and support you provide say a lot about how much you value them – and when people feel valued and cared for, they perform.

And sometimes you are too close to the situation to be objective.

Research often shows that organizational dysfunction is rooted in the behavior and attitudes of the administration. Specifically, a perceived lack of support by the staff is a key factor in dissatisfaction and frustration.

In fact, much of the feedback we receive tells us the administration or culture of the organization itself is a primary source of tension.

We are more than qualified to run this show!

We have numerous years of experience and education… and a large network of professionals to get the job done.

We’ve got experience in retail, hospital administration, corporate management, public service, and as entrepreneurs in addition to the extensive formal education and training of our providers.

Having an eclectic background provides us with contacts in a wide variety of industries at every level of organizations.

It’s not just the leadership perspective that matters. The thoughts and experiences of all members, units, and divisions of a business have valuable input to provide.

Here are few areas in which we specialize…

Organizational Assessment

It’s a rare organization that can objectively look at itself and see the areas of opportunity, areas where they are not their best. That’s our job, to accurately and honestly assess your organization, bringing to light the realities.

Organizational Change and Transformation

You may be going through any number of transitions, externally or internally prompted. New leadership can create disruption, impact productivity, and undermine morale, and, so too, may other change catalysts.

After a thorough assessment to identify areas of need, we help develop and implement a plan or transformation.

Leadership Training

There’s no doubt you and your staff are the experts in your field. If you’re like other organizations, your leaders have been cultivated and drawn from the best line staff.

What often ends up missing are the leadership skills required to manage the personnel and logistic responsibilities of the new role. You already know your company is only as good as its staff and a great deal of attention needs to be paid to the needs of the people who do the producing.

We help you fill the gap in knowledge and make your leadership team the top performers they can be, rounding out their abilities to meet the needs of the organization from every direction.

Staff Compliance

Running a business is tough enough without having to attend to the countless compliance considerations of your industry.

The oversight organizations have their requirements of your staff and you have your own, making adherence complicated and time consuming. We help by developing programs and presenting content, and monitoring staff to ensure you meet not only the regulations of your industry, but also the needs of your business and your staff.

Team Building

We accomplish more as a team than we do alone. The idea is great while the reality is complex, and helping people see the potential is tricky business.

Competition is widely understood to draw the best out of a person; however, if not skillfully managed, the same drive to compete can create dysfunction and destroy the cohesion of a team. If concern for advancement overtakes the objectives of the organization, the team concept is lost, quality and productivity suffer, and ultimately the organization will find its existence in jeopardy.

What you need is help reminding everyone of the priorities of the organization and the importance of teamwork in achieving the shared goals of the company and its staff.

First Responder Concerns

Public service, in all its forms, is demanding of the organization, industry, and individuals. The multitude of aspects and areas of knowledge expected of the participants require proficiency, even expertise, and can often be too much to ask of any organization.

The pressures on first responders are considerable, and there is a moral obligation to support their needs. To ignore, dismiss, deny the emotional risks faced by your staff would be irresponsible, negligent, and dangerous. Sadly, the most common attribution for the stress first responders feel is the administration of their agency resulting from a failure to support their needs.

Finally, there is something in your control – the level of support you provide. Unhappy people tend to behave badly which impacts service delivery and even increases the likelihood of misconduct, raising liability concerns and culpability in the outcomes. We have the expertise to provide what you need by making presentations and creating support systems for every level of the organization, leaving them feeling valued and loyal.

Self-Care and Organizational “Love Tank”

A significant life lesson comes from the idea that when you are too fatigued to do the job, rest. Rest, self-care, and tending to emotional needs results in better outcomes.

As an organization, the allowance made for staff to recuperate, recharge, and start fresh has immeasurable positive consequences. Increased loyalty, productivity, quality, and innovation often are positive bi-products of caring for your staff and allowing them to care for themselves.

Let us lead your staff in learning the self-care skills they need to be their best.

Customer Service Training

Really, our businesses are nothing without our customers.

The first, and sometimes only, contact our customers have is with our frontline staff. The quality of service they provide directly relates to business success, because a positive recommendation, review, or rating goes a long way to building a vast client list – and a bad one goes even farther.

There are nuances to delivering great customer service that we can help your staff learn and pass on to the most important members of your organization, your customers.

Communication and Listening

Have you heard… you have two ears and one mouth, use them proportionally? We were made to listen, and we need to do a better job.

To meet the needs of an organization, individual, group, customers, or industry, the first and most important step is to listen. Really listen to understand, not to reply or rebut what they are saying. In sales, it’s called qualifying the customer, meaning getting to know what they need, want, and don’t want. The idea is to understand the customer and best meet their needs, creating a satisfied customer who feels listened to and becomes a loyal repeat patron and your best advertisement.

Internally, listening reveals areas of demand, opportunity, developing interest; and it fosters openness, loyalty, creativity, and commitment. It’s a win-win for minimal investment. Learning to truly listen can be tricky, and we can show you how to make it a reality.

Conflict Resolution

Some conflict is unavoidable, especially when you are pushing hard to succeed.

If your organization has more than one employee, conflict is inevitable and can be a signal of bigger problems already in play or about to surface. When managed properly and skillfully, conflict can be beneficial. Afterall, conflict is communication. There are pieces, however small, of useful information waiting to be explored.

Mitigation of conflict and acting as a mediator between the parties as an insider is often a conflict of interest and may, in fact, create more conflict, defeating the purpose. As impartial guides, we can assist in resolving disagreements, open communication lines, all while keeping organizational objectives in focus, without becoming overly emotional.

DRIVE initiatives

It helps to have help when introducing new initiatives, programs, and processes.

The process can be consuming, causing other priorities to fall to the side. The involvement of consultant advisors and program implementation agents makes the process less burdensome, allowing administration to retain their supervisory objectivity as they watch from a healthy, productive, and supportive distance. It also lets senior staff develop their leadership skills with the support necessary to allow growth.

We can come in when the going gets rough to support the change you desire and make your vision a reality.

Executive Coaching

Maybe you just know you have what it takes or you just hired the right person, but no one ever taught this stuff. You didn’t realize there was so much to being an administrator, and you really want the best for the organization and for the staff.

Fill the gap in the administrative skills, confidence, and talent by bringing us in to smooth the rough edges and polish the performance.

Our approach is unique because we don’t work with boxes…

…although we recognize many of our clients get stuck in them.

Countless clients relate experiences of being stuck in tradition, old ways, even a rut when it comes to problem solving. Because they have been at it so long, they can’t see new, innovative, and creative ways of working through things.

Having us step in to support you also helps break you out of your routine and open previously unrecognized pathways to problem solving and innovation. We help you shift your perspective and think differently using various techniques to expand your approach.

Helping you get the “buy-in” you need…

What does it mean to get buy-in?

If you’ve heard, if you believe, you can succeed, then you have an idea of the concept.

Militarily, the belief in an objective makes achieving it much more likely. If you believe in something, you will fight to defend it, achieve it, and make it a reality. If a person “buys-in” on an idea, goal, or change, they are much more willing to work to accomplish it by investing of themselves.

When people don’t believe in the value, morals, or plan, they won’t give it their all. You have probably seen stories of people who refuse to make the boss more money by working their weekend off, or other stories of people working for free, volunteering their time without complaint. The universal truth in both cases is belief in the mission and buy-in that the goal is an important, just, and beneficial one.

Frequently, there are underlying considerations when buy-in is elusive. The difficulty in achieving buy-in can result from confusion, distrust, or miscommunication. We help reframe the message, clear miscommunication, and re-ignite a spirit of unity.

When you succeed… we succeed!

We are excited that you’re taking this first step in your company’s growth and transformation process.

We will train staff to listen, learn, and communicate more effectively… and pique their interest and creativity in helping your organization grow.

We will develop the strategies you’re missing… and train your team on how to live them out so that when we leave, your organization will continue to strive and thrive without us.

Our professional reputation means everything to us… and we are committed to delivering results for you!

For more information, please complete the form below. One of our providers will contact you to discuss your needs and initiate the process.

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