Individual Therapy

In this vast world, it’s incredible…

…that we can feel alone in our experiences, struggles, and pain.

If the sadness, stress, frustration, fear, or desperation feel like that’s all you feel, you’re not alone.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming just to leave the house, face the world, provide for your family, and do your job. The pressure of simply, living life can feel like too much. There are days when you don’t even want to get out of bed, don’t want to deal with people, even your family. Living this way is exhausting.

Feelings like these are part of life.

Unfortunately, for some people, the intensity or the seemingly never-ending arrival of the troubles they bring, starts to impact their ability to function. It’s okay to not be okay with the way you feel, the way your life is taking shape. You may feel like giving up or running away from your problems, but that only makes things worse.

The best thing to do is find a safe and helpful place to start the processes of unraveling all that is going wrong. That is hard to do without experienced help from a person who has worked through that type of stuff before.

You’ve taken the difficult first step and arrived here, because you’re smart enough to know you can’t do it alone. You realize some problems are bigger than you can handle alone or by doing the same things you’ve always done.

We can help. We can make the process easier and not so overwhelming by being your partner in the journey. Like a good friend, we can be there for you, listening and being a trusted source of impartial guidance.

The reality is that it’s all relative.

We feel as though no one can be experiencing what we are and, to an extent, that’s true. We are uniquely ourselves, and our feelings are unique to us… even though the experiences to which we’re reacting are similar to those of everyone around us.

But it’s our responses to the emotional injuries and life’s difficulties from our past and present that are uniquely ours.

The things that happen to us happen to everyone, but not everyone responds the same. You may be able to handle a lot more than someone else, or maybe something small puts you over the top. Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, something little proves to be the thing that pushes you too far. No one knows your story like you; your fears, the things that hurt your heart, and tear at your soul.

When we work together, you build the skills that fit your situation, your abilities to handle the past, and what comes your way in the future.

When life’s demands cause us to lose grip on what’s important…

When we find that our relationships, job performance, self-esteem, or happiness are suffering, it’s clear we need help. No one has ever provided a handbook or instruction manual on how to deal with our emotional challenges. And we certainly weren’t taught that in school.

When a person suffers an emotional injury, they tend to build barriers around themselves to protect their emotions.

The walls people build not only close out others from their hearts, but they also close in the pain. The walls stop you from dealing with the events that caused the emotional injury. The impact of our experiences does not shatter us like glass. Rather, the events build up over time, slowly impairing our ability to experience joy, feel like we have control of our lives, and destroying our relationships.

We lose a sense of our value, our importance in the bigger picture, and begin to doubt ourselves, our relationships, and our emotions. The collection of the small insecurities shows itself in our performance at work, socially, and in our interactions with others.

It’s the gap in our knowledge where the pain and dissatisfaction take root.

It’s like anything else we experience, when we don’t know how to do something, many of our attempts to adjust and push through are misguided and off target.

Depending on the topic, the under-informed attempts make matters worse. It’s like trying to catch our own spelling mistakes. If we could have spelled it right, we wouldn’t make the mistakes in the first place. The same goes for helping ourselves through difficult emotional experiences.

When we find ourselves in the gap, it’s time to call a professional.

And it’s in the gap where a skilled therapist can be so useful.

The power of a caring therapist using proven techniques…

In session, we will unpack the past. You’ll have the chance to come to terms with those experiences and put them to rest. You will learn what can be left in the past and what from the past serves you in the present to prepare you for the future.

Together, we will build your ability to respond to the challenges of life in constructive ways and to be confident in yourself.

Using various approaches, we explore your coping styles and create new pathways to break the cycles that have brought you into therapy.

A common approach is to be introduced to using thought and feeling logs to track how you feel in response to certain events. It helps in being able to recognize patterns in the things that prompt our feelings, be it the time of day, the people, the places, or the things being experienced.

Imagine what it’s like to sit with a trusted friend who is invested in helping you get what’s best for you in the most healthy way possible. We genuinely want that for you and want to be part of the growth that you will experience.

Your therapist will be your guide for making positive changes – for addressing, confronting, and resolving those things that hurt… which gives you a greater quality of life!

A time to focus totally on you and your experiences…

In early sessions, you explain what you want to work on and establish your goals, both immediate and long-term.

Sessions generally start with a check-in and lead into deeper work that’s often a continuation from prior meetings. It’s not uncommon for skills from sessions to be assigned as practice or “homework” for use when the need arises between meetings.

Appointments last just under an hour. Most people come to sessions once or twice a week, and therapy continues for as long as is necessary and beneficial for you. Some concerns are resolved in a matter of a few sessions; other, more complex situations require life-long treatment.

Individual therapy should be challenging…

It often causes discomfort when you remember the experiences that brought you to therapy.

The things that cause us to put the walls up around our hearts are the same things you will have to explore in session.

The exploration of our painful past can be uncomfortable and distressing; but for what might be the first time, you can do it in a safe and supportive environment.

We’ve been through this process with countless clients and helped them to reach their goals for joy, contentment, and fulfillment.

There’s nothing wrong with doing this for YOU!

We have heard, time and again, that it’s hard to put yourself first. You’ve gone so long trying to do for others and please others that you don’t even know what it would be like to focus on you for a while.

It’s time!

Time to look at where you are, where you want to be, and start moving in that direction. And a quiet little secret is that the better you take care of yourself the more you can do for the people you truly love.

Quit putting yourself aside and call us to get the healing underway! Call us today: (630) 358-9821.