
We know that making time for yourself is complicated.

As you struggle to keep your job, tend to your family, and basically keep yourself together, your time is at a premium.

You can hardly find the time to catch your breath, and this is why telehealth is right for you.

Our flexible scheduling options combined with telehealth allow you to go to therapy right at your desk or in your car on your lunch break.

But some things are just too important to be put off.

Most struggles people experience can be addressed using teletherapy.

You could wait to get started with feeling better, but that’s how you got here. It’s not uncommon to put self-care off, convincing yourself you’ll make time later. That’s exactly how things end up being a real problem.

Much like exercising and eating right, the more we delay getting started with our mental health the further from healthy we get.

Telehealth is yet another tool in our toolbox…

It’s an evidence-based treatment that lets you get the support you need from the safety and comfort of your home or office. In fact, research shows that client outcomes are just as good as they are for face-to-face visits.

Approximately 123 million Americans live in areas with limited access to healthcare… and even those with access often feel too overwhelmed by the demands of life to commute for therapy services.

Telehealth means that you don’t have to give up on the idea of getting the help or support you need in order to improve your quality of life.

Telehealth saves you time, which saves you money.

Lower co-pays…

Lower transportation costs…

Less time missed from work: With teletherapy, you can even fit therapy into your lunch hour, sitting right at your desk or in your car in the parking lot. The total time commitment is exactly the time spent in session, no travel, no traffic, and no worrying how your boss will react.

Less money spent on childcare expenses: Just think… no more having to track down and pay a sitter so that you can break away from home long enough for a therapy session. The idea that you’re getting the self-care you need while still being present for your family will leave you feeling fulfilled, self-assured, and accomplished.

All in all, telehealth offers you the quality work-life balance you deserve!

And don’t worry about confidentiality. It’s protected…

Our providers use a HIPAA-compliant program with multiple layers of security and encryption to ensure your privacy.

There have been many recent adjustments to the teletherapy delivery process. Technology and software systems have grown in popularity and acceptance.

With the new programs, you can sign in from your phone, tablet, or desktop computer. You only need access to the Internet and a camera capable system.

We will always be able to provide you our full attention as we meet with you from a private office, ensuring your confidentiality. You’ll just have to find a quiet, private place to sit while we meet.

Skip the commute and reclaim your precious time!

Let’s be honest, we all value our time and often make our needs a low priority.

It’s time to take back your time and make yourself a priority. It’s much easier than it used to be. Using teletherapy, the commitment is about you – not about the time it takes. It’s no longer an excuse to put off feeling better.

You deserve it, so call today for a free 20-minute phone consultation: (630) 358-9821.